Internal Quality Assurance Cell

Best Practices (2023-2024). Click to view

  • Best Practices - I


    Community Engagement through Village Adoption Scheme


    •    To involve students in the process of social upliftment and thereby developing leadership qualities among them.
    •    To help the students to realize social human values and learn the values of community activities.
    •    To create awareness regarding Government schemes and help the village community to apply for the same.
    •    To create awareness on health, sanitation and hygienic environment.
    •    To bring out clean environment in and around the village.
    •    To take necessary steps to solve the basic problems like improving the basic needs (water, medical needs, etc).
    •    To conduct programmes on awareness, personal hygiene, selfconfidence and motivation to the village people.


    A.D.M.College for Women has adopted a nearby rural/coastal village, Andanapettai in Nagapattinam District. A good number of faculties and students have devoted themselves in doing professional and service activities for the betterment of the villagers. This community engagement by the college plays a vital role in exchange of knowledge resources and services with the proximate communities in the form of service learning during the college life of the students.


    Students from different streams and subjects are encouraged to study the problems and attempt to find necessary solutions to fulfill the needs of the villagers. The students work for the welfare and development of the village. These practices are implemented with the help of NSS volunteers, NCC cadets, members from Exnora, Rotaract, Youth Red Cross and other clubs. Young volunteers make significant following contributions in meeting the needs of the most vulnerable people through this village Adoption Scheme.

    •    Training for disaster management was provided, as this area is prone to cyclone and floods.
    •    Road safety awareness programme, first aid training for school children, were provided by the authorities from the District Collectorate, Transport Office and expert Trainers.
    •    NCC cadets camped in the village for 7 days to claim Swatch Bharath Clean India Program throughout the village. During the program the cadets made more initiatives to clean and dispose the plastics properly, which gave awareness on “No Plastic” to keep the environment clean and safe. They painted awareness posters on the school compound walls and cleaned the public area.
    •    NSS volunteers organized a special camp – “Cleanliness for Youth” for five days. During these days the Volunteers gave awareness on women’s personal hygiene and made temple cleaning.
    •    Exnora and Environmental Club has conducted an awareness programme on “ The Traditional Medicine and its fundamental” and conducted “ Herbal Exhibition” in the village, motivated the village people to identify the local medicinal plants, assist them to grow the medicinal plants and provided rare medicinal plants to plant in their house.
    •    More number of saplings were planted around the village by the Department of Commerce to maintain eco friendly environment.
    •    Health awareness Progarmmes are conducted for women and children to take nutritious and balanced diet. Yoga and simple asanas are taught to solve their general menstrual health and immunity by the department of Physical education in addition with Blood Test Camp.
    •    Skill development programmes were conducted, in Arts & Crafts by the handicrafts trainers to the women folk of the village to supplement their family income and promote entrepreneurship capacity.


    The impact of the practice is such that once a student joins in a village Adoption Scheme are eager in continuing the next program. It indicates that feeling of community responsibility is imprinted in their mind. As a result of this practice the students of the institution have acquired the quality of being associated with society and social issues. The students immediately run to help people at the time of calamities. It shows their commitment to social community. The students also develop the habit of helping fellow students suffering from serious disease. That they come forward to help others indicates their realization of human values. In such case the students work in group that reflects community activity.
    The impact of cleanliness drives, awareness programmes etc. could be gauged from the fact that the villagers have become environmentally conscious. They keep their roads and households very clean and the bamboo dustbins provided by the college are found in the village. The Bore well and reservoir constructed for the spring water tapping in the adopted village is now providing continuous flow of water for drinking as well as irrigation, besides other household uses.


    College confronted few problems during the implementation of this scheme, and these problems are minimized with the help of the villagers and management. The most important obstacle comes from lack of systematic planning by the higher authorities to involve students in the act of social responsibility. While the work started with the scheme of Swatch Bharath summer internship cleaning and segregating of a pond, the village people showed their restriction and came to stop the project. Under the eminent leadership Lieutenant Dr.R.Latha and the Principal Dr.L.Megala, the people are given awareness and made understand about role of village adoption activities and services for the society and convinced to complete the project successfully.


    Motivating the students to participate in Village adoption is a challenge. Both financial resources and technically sound human resource is required for amending the extension and outreach programme in the village. The fund currently available for such initiatives is not sufficient. It is expected that through approval of schemes under Government’s village development schemes, the college would be able to deliver service to the community as per the requirements of the villagers.

  • Best Practices - II


    Participating Management


    An institution manages its functions with the help of an organizational framework which facilitate the processes of making and implementing decisions. Functions of an educational institution are determined by the needs of the stake holders – teachers, learners and the society and neighborhood.
    This covers the curricular functions, administrative functions, infrastructure development, evaluation of performance.. Keeping the mission and goals in mind, the management of this college has prepared a Standard Operating Procedure in consultation with the Academicians and Administrators for the effective functioning of the institution to involve IQAC, College Council, Students Council and all faculty members in decision making, implementation and acknowledge their contributions.


    Ultimate goal of our management is to enhance and ensure the quality in teaching, learning and community services. This goal requires good governance which make with the vision of the institution’s participating management concept to develop the quality enhancement of teacher, taught and non –teaching staff.
    To develop and create a conducive environment for an effective administration, college committee meets regularly to review the organizational functions of the college. Faculty and students have an easy access to the management. There is informal delegation of power to Vice Principal (Academic), Deans (Infrastructure) and Heads of departments. All academic and administrative problems are discussed and resolutions of the meetings are recorded and decisions are circulated to the faculty concerned. Action taken shall be monitored by the Principal and Secretary of the college and submit to the College Committee.


    The practice in the institution is to regularise the function with the help of committee system. All the faculty and students council members are involved in the administrative academic activities by constituting various committees like College Council, Academic Committee, Discipline Committee, Maintenance and Cleaning Committee, Library Committee, Fine Arts, Examination Committee, Admission Committee, Women Cell, NCC, NSS, Sports, Grievance Redressal, Anti Ragging Committee, Entrepreneur Development Cell and Internal Quality Academic Audit Committee. Internal and External audit for both academic and administration are undertaken in an effective manner.
    Governing Body and College Committee advise Principal, Academic Council, Board of Studies regarding their plan for the growth and development of the college, quality enhance teaching learning, discipline and welfare activities.
    College Council consists of Principal, HODs, Staff, Secretary and IQAC coordinator which is responsible for internal co-ordination,   maintenance of students discipline, assessment of infrastructure needs, redressal of students, staff grievances, etc.,
    Feedback Mechanism provides details on staff self appraisal, students feedback about the teachers performance, non- teaching activities, adequacy of infrastructure, students welfare measures, curricular aspects, Evaluation of Examination are made with the use of questionnaires. The reports obtained from students, parents and employees are analysed and feedback given to the assesses confidentially and follow up action are monitored according to the need.


    Overall administrative efficiency has improved through this effective management participation adherence of Academic Calendar guides the entire departments to function effectively. Performance of teachers have been improved by using innovative ICT learning techniques.   Improvement of team work ensures the quality enhancement in all perspective. Each activity of the college becomes the goal directed.


      • Human resources with Commitment, Motivation and involvement.
      • Co-operation of the Campus Community (Teachers, Non –Teaching staff and students).