Internal Quality Assurance Cell

Institutional Distinctiveness (2023-2024). Click to view.

About Institutional Distinctiveness

To monitor the continuous progress of the college and review the academic performance of the teaching faculty, Annual Internal Academic Audit is conducted by the Academic Performance committee regularly during the month of April every year. Internal Academic Audit plays a vital role to ensure the quality and improves the academic and administrative performance of the institution.


  • To enable and motivate the faculty to aim constantly at quality and sustenance activity.
  • To encourage the teachers to improve their professional grades and motivate them to use new innovative teaching techniques and e-content development.
  • To review the academic, co-curricular, extension and research activities of the departments.
  • To evaluate teacher performance, students performance in both academic and non- academic activities.
  • To upgrade the skills of non-teaching and supporting staff.

The Practice:

IQAC of ADMC draws up the schedule well in advance by sending circular to all the departments along with the check list which contains the details of all the records of evidence to be kept for the audit. A self-study report format for the individual staff and department is given to be duly filled in. The instructions and objectives of the audit are explained by the Principal and IQAC Co-ordinator in the college council meeting. The audit team comprises of all the IQAC members, one representative from management and an external member who is an educationist. The audit team visits the departments and interacts with the faculty members and checks the documentary evidence. The format is prepared in accordance with the self study report of NAAC and the filled in data are reviewed and compiled by the team.
IQAC draws up the SWOT analysis of the departments and gives its remarks and suggestions to the departments to be aware of the areas to be improved such as Research Promotion, Collaborations with Industries, Consultancy, E-Content development, Improving and Strengthening the Students support progress and Activities like instituting more Scholarships to students, effective coaching & training through the Placement Cell, Quiz Club, Journal Club, Speakers’ Forum, motivating students to participate in National level and Internal level competitions, identifying the prominent and reputed alumni and providing more number of Value Added, Skill Initiative Certificate Courses and Vocational Programmes to enhance the employable skills among the students.

  • This audit plays a catalytic role to ensure the quality in the functioning of the institution.
  • The teachers assess themselves consciously and bring improvements in their teaching methodology and research attitude.
  • This audit helps the departments to focus towards planning and execution of activities with evidence and documentations.
  • Academic Audit being an annual occurrence in the college, it has a place in the academic calendar events and making documentation is a regular feature of the departments.

Thus conduct of Annual Internal Academic Audit programme in the college, ensures the achievements of the institution's goal with proper implementation and gives suggestions for improvement and provides scope for every department to identify their best practices.