
About Alumnae

Welcome Back People! Alumni Greets you with new Face

An opportunity for the past to coalesce for a while with the present and provide greater opportunities for the college to attain greater heights as the experience of the past helps guide the untapped potential of today. A full day event where Alumni present their experiences and interact with the present batches apart from reminiscence of the golden years of their life here. It also provides alumni to connect with each other, to catch up on the good old times and another chance at business networking.
The association endeavors to strengthen the ties among its alumni by addressing the concerns of members with a view to learn and adapt to changes that are necessary.
This Alumni Association works as an interface for maintaining the relationship with the alumni and to involve them in the development and growth of the institution.
It promotes and encourages the alumni to exchange professional knowledge by organizing conferences, seminars, lectures and meetings amongst alumni, students, faculty and others.
Since Continuous interaction with Alumni is expected to increase the placement opportunities of the students, this association makes earnest attempts to strengthen the bonds between the alumni and the institution.


  • Plan and promote a minimum of one regional event per year
  • Counsel the Alumni member's regarding future regional events/programs
  • Promote the interests and welfare of Alumni Association
  • Encourage friendship and networking among Alumni Association and institute
  • Enhance Alumni Association presence in the Engineering community
  • Encourage alumni members' participation in community activities
  • Provide leadership in support of higher education and alumni association
  • Provide social and educational opportunities for alumni



For the Alumni :

The system proves to be advantageous for the alumni. Each alumnus is likely to have a unique life experience and the system provide an ideal place for them to share their stories and life experiences by re-unions with old friends. Alumni who turned into entrepreneurs may benefit by recruiting fresh graduates from their home university, a place whose educational standards they trust. Some of the other benefits:- Exclusive networking. Since the system is very restricted social networking environments, they are very good platforms for alumni to meet their class mates and fellow students and can maintain continual contact with them in future. Special benefits. College provides special benefits for their alumni. Career path assistance. Interaction between alumni may result in valuable career path.

For the college administration:

The college is one of the main areas who get benefits from the alumni system. Some of the main benefits are:- Improving standards: the college can come along with the alumni and discuss on the new emerging technologies in the real world and make necessary changes to the curriculum. Fund raising: college can organize events for the alumni, which in turn act as fund raising activities for the universities. Stored data centralized is the most way. The system helps the student’s data on server database and can obtain the data everywhere, every time.

For the Pursuing Student :

This includes students of the college who wants to view the system which is called as visitors. It initiates students to join before they leave the college, in this way it will not be difficult to encourage them to use the system after they graduate.