Department of Mathematics

Programme Outcomes for UG

To apply the basic concepts of mathematics to formulate and evaluate the real- world problems.

To utilize the mathematical principles to think analytically, systematically and critically while solving problems and making decisions.

To construct the logical arguments and apply the laws of logic in mathematical proofs.

To learn and apply the appropriate methods and procedures in MATLAB,  SPSS etc.

To pursue careers in academia, industry and the other areas of Mathematics.

Programme Specific Outcomes for UG

To identify the applications of mathematics in other disciplines and society.

To formulate and develop mathematical arguments in a logical manner.

To able to identify, locate and solve the issue or problem effectively.  

To acquire good knowledge in advanced areas of mathematics.

To understand and formulate quantitative models arising in social science, business and other contexts.

Programme Outcomes for PG

To understand the fundamental axioms in mathematics and capable of developing ideas based on them.

To maintain and develop the problem-solving skills.

To use the mathematical ideas in modelling the real world problems

To analyse mathematical reasoning.

To demonstrate and communicate the mathematical concepts clearly.

To perform research activities independently towards Ph.D Degree in Mathematics

Programme Specific Outcomes for PG

Connect Mathematics to real life problems in their lives.

Do intensive research in pure and applied Mathematics.

Analyse problems of industry and Society.

Model and provide solutions to scientific and real life situations.

Prepare for a career in which critical thinking is a central feature.

Sportively attend the examinations approved by UGC namely CSIR – NET (JRF/Lectureship) & SET.

Programme Outcomes for M.Phil.

Mathematical Knowledge: Various branches of Mathematics are so selected and designed for M.Phil Mathematics course aiming at mathematical reasoning, sophistication in thing and acquaintance with enough number of subjects including application oriented ones to suit the present needs of various allied branches in Engineering and Science as well as provision of opportunities to pursue research in higher mathematics.

Problem Solving Skills: This programme also offers training in problem solving skills.

Analytical & Logical thinking: The student will be able to develop logical reasoning techniques and Techniques for analyzing the situation.

Learning Number theoretical concepts:Student will learn some important concepts in Number theory that are useful in Cryptography related to the advanced area of research namely Network security.

Understanding Ability: Student will develop ability for generation of mathematical model to a given real life situation as well as learning new areas of mathematics in future either for teaching or for research.

Programme Specific Outcomes for M.Phil

Connect Mathematics to real life problems in their lives.

Do intensive research in pure and applied Mathematics.

Analyze problems of industry and Society.

Model and provide solutions to scientific and real life situation.

Prepare for a career in which critical thinking is a central feature.