Department of Geology

Programme Outcomes

On completion of the course the learner will be able

  • Gain a better understanding of the Plants, Moons and other objects of our solar system in addition to their distribution and dynamical relationship.
  • Understand elastic and viscous strain in role behaviour, the effects of temperature, pressure and strain rate on rock strength and the mechanism of rock deformation.
  • Recognize and quantify the physical and optical properties of minerals. Student would understand the Indian Stratigraphy and its age related problems.
  • Demonstrate the difference between minerals and ore minerals. Explain the formation of placers and other minerals. Explain the origin of igneous rocks and structures.
  • Students understand the field basic equipment handling and requirements. Understand the compass its uses rock and mineral direction. Understand the student using base map latitude and longitude direction. Gains a better understand the field writing materials, field sketches and drawings.

Programme Specific Outcomes

On completion of the course the learner will be able

  • Demonstrate fundamental knowledge of: the physical and chemical properties of the lithosphere and hydrosphere (minerals, rocks, soils and water).
  • Geological time and Earth history; and crustal materials and dynamics in the context of plate tectonics theory
  • Demonstrate skills in: mineral and rock soil identification; interpretation of topographic and geologic maps; and interpreting and evaluating geological data, hypothesis and ideas.
  • Gain an understanding of the social relevance of earth systems.
  • Effectively communicate this knowledge and these skills using written and/or oral methods.